Overdracht van meetresultaten van provincies naar de Grondwateratlas voor bestrijdingsmiddelen, versie 2022
Kruijne. Roel, Roel; van Kraalingen, Daniël
The purpose of the Groundwater Atlas for Pesticides is to make regular groundwater monitoring data available for use in the authorisation of plant protection products. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W) commissioned Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR) to input data provided by the regional authorities (provinces) into the Groundwater Atlas. While waiting for the definitive provincial data to become available via the National Key Registry of the Subsurface (BRO), a draft dataset from the Informatiehuis Water was used. Relevant data were extracted from this dataset and validated against the Groundwater Atlas specifications. When the provinces complete the transfer of the definitive data to the BRO, it is recommended that the values for particular data components in the Groundwater Atlas database version 2022 are compared with the definitive values in the BRO.