Sectoranalyse melkvee : Fase 1: Overzicht integraal duurzame stalsystemen ten behoeve van de Subsidiemodules brongerichte verduurzaming stal- en managementmaatregelen (Sbv)
van Dooren, H.J.C.; Ogink, N.W.M.; Vermeij, I.
As part of an analyses of the dairy sector in The Netherlands this report describes the answers to questions that contribute to the design of a subsidy to stimulate innovations in the dairy sector to reduce ammonia and methane emissions from housing and slurry storage. On the current list on annex 1 of the regulations on ammonia and livestock housing (‘Regeling ammoniak en veehouderij’) no system reduces ammonia as well as methane emission. Only by including slurry treatment combined with a low emission stable system model calculations show that an emission reduction of methane on farm level can be achieved.