
SGL wins 5 Excellent Education Prizes 2018

25 april 2018

5 SGL courses among 31 best of Wageningen University

Last week 5 of our SGL coordinated courses were listed in the top-31 of Wageningen University courses as most valued by students for the academic year 2016-2017. The ceremony was lead by the Rector Magnificus Arthur Mol and Dean of Educaton A. Bregt. The excellent education prizes were awared to :

SGL-22306 Geology, Soils and Landscapes of the Rhine-Meuse Delta coordinated by Dr. A (Bart) Makaske SGL ESG, wth ing. GJWC (Gert) Peek, team of PhDs
SGL-22803 Soils and Landscapes of the Netherlands ing. GJWC (Gert) Peek SGL ESG with Dr. A (Bart) Makaske, team of PhDs
SGL-23806 Fundamentals of Landscapes coordinated by dr. T (Tony) Reimann SGL ESG, with
SGL-33306 Geology and Landscapes of the World Coordinated by dr. JM (Jeroen) Schoorl with Dr. Lieven Claessens

SGL-31806 Field Training Geosciences Coordinated by Jeroen Schoorl and Jetse Stoorvogel.