WUR Card

All students and staff at Wageningen UR receive a WUR card after their registration with Wageningen University has been confirmed.

The WUR card functions as identification in the library when borrowing  books, and provides the owner access to a number of labs, practicals, and buildings. You can also use the card as a sports pass at University Sports centre de Bongerd and the swimming pool.

WUR card

Students cannot print, copy or purchase coffee with their WUR card, they will need Chipper to use the copy machines or get coffee. Wageningen UR staff can use their WUR card at printers and coffee machines.

The Student Administration Desks at Wageningen University and Van Hall Larenstein supply the cards for students. They will be able to add the privileges connected to the cards and will be able to help you if you lost your card. Employees can turn to Facility Services at the department where they work if they need a new card or would like to obtain additional privileges.

Loss or theft of the card should be reported as soon as possible, so the card can be blocked to avoid abuse. If you find a card, please send it to the Service Desk FB; they will return the card to its rightful owner.

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