
Zachte materie aan oppervlakken: adhesie, bevochtiging, en capillaraire wisselwerkingen

Promovendus mr. M (Maarten) van Heek MSc
Promotor JHB (Joris) Sprakel
Copromotor J (Jasper) van der Gucht
Organisatie Wageningen University, Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter

di 10 november 2020 13:30 tot 15:00


Samenvatting (Engelstalig):

The first part of this thesis on soft matter at interfaces describes the effects of patterning on adhesive properties at the interface between a solid and a gel, or soft solid.

The second part describes our work on the wetting at the liquid/gas and liquid/liquid interface of very soft solids with different surface chemistries. 

In the third part, we investigate the capillary interactions that arise from colloids being deposited at anisotropically curved interfaces.