Thesis with the Cultural Geography Group

The thesis is a compulsory element of your MSc study programme and the culmination of your studies. This page provides information for students who are considering writing a MSc thesis under the supervision of GEO group.

Writing a MSc thesis allows you to become an expert in a specific area that is closely linked to your personal interest and future career. Writing a thesis is an individual process whereby a student takes a full responsibility for its outcome, being assisted and guided by an academic supervisor. Below you can see a flowchart to help you get started.

MSc Thesis Timeline.jpg

As illustrated in the flow chart, the thesis period consists of three phases: (1) the thesis preparation phase, (2) the research proposal phase and, (3) the thesis phase. Please do keep in mind that the order in which you write certain parts of your thesis are topic-dependent and can also differ per GEO supervisor.

During the preparation phase, you start thinking about a topic of your prospective research, both your study advisor and the GEO thesis coordinator can assist you with this. In order to get some inspiration, feel free to also consult the MSc thesis library, the GEO research page (which will give you an overview of what our staff is interested in) attend the annual GEO thesis café (usually in January or February) and, the GEO research topic brochure. As soon as you have an idea (or several) about what you would like to study, contact the GEO thesis coordinator who will help you find appropriate supervisor(s) within the chair group. After you have been appointed supervisor(s), you will have to start a case in OSIRIS and submit the learning agreement in which you agree on the regime of supervision and other practical matters.