Contact field crops

The main location of the business unit Field Crops in located in Lelystad, The Netherlands. In addition, there are a number of test locations elsewhere in the country. We have test facilities equipped to carry out accurate and efficient tests and demos, both in the field and under controlled conditions.

We develop innovations and knowledge in arable farming, field production of vegetables, green space, nursery stock and fruit growing, at both the national and international level. 

Business and government

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Main location Lelystad

Edelhertweg 1
8219 PH Lelystad, the Netherlands

Postal address:
P.O Box 430
8200 AK Lelystad, The Netherlands

T +31 320 291 111

Test locations:


Marwijksoord 4
Gebouw Kooijenburg
9448 XB Marwijksoord, The Netherlands

T +31 592 241 220


Oud Emmeloorderweg 6
8308 PK Nagele, the Netherlands

T +31 320 291 200

Postal address:
P.O.Box 430
8200 AK Lelystad, the Netherlands


Noorderdiep 211
Building 't Kompas
7876 CL Valthermond, the Netherlands

T +31 599 662 577


Vredeweg 1C
5816 AJ Vredepeel, The Netherlands

T +31 478 538 240


Groeneweg 3
3273 LP Westmaas, The Netherlands

T +31 186 579 930