Structure and Texture

Determination of the properties that characterize a good structured soil.

Structure and Texture Measurements

  • Aggregate Stability: Determination of stability of soil aggregates in wet sieving apparatus
  • Atterberg limits: Determination of the Plasticity Limit, Liquid Limit with the Casagrande apparatus, and the Plasticity Index.
  • Gravimetrical method: Determination of water content and dry bulk density. NEN5781/ISO11272
  • Organic Matter: Determination of Glow Loss and a near approximation of Organic Matter. NEN5754
  • Pore Volume: Determination of the volume of the pores in undisturbed soil samples
  • Texture analysis: Determination of the grain size distribution with the pipette method and by sieving
  • Uniaxial test (compression test): Determination of compression and pressure head in time at different applied mechanical forces up to 7 bar
  • X-ray Tomography: Determination of 3D pore structure of various porous media