About us

The Microspectroscopy Research Facility is located in the Helix building on Wageningen Campus. Besides students and employees of Wageningen University and Research, also researchers from other universities, institutes and industry make use of its facilities.

The Microspectroscopy Research Facility (MSC) was founded by Prof. Dr. A.J.W.G. Visser in 1996 to strengthen the Dutch infrastructure in optical microspectroscopy. Initially the centre started as a joint initiative of several laboratories from Wageningen and Leiden University. Currently, it is part of the Agrotechnology and Food Sciences Group (AFSG) of WUR and four chair groups are member (Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods). The member groups are represented in the board and pay an annual fee for usage of the equipment. These member group are also responsible for the acquisition of new equipment and support its funding. Users from other chair groups, institutes and companies are charged per hour for the usage of the equipment.


Other board members

Facility manager

Affiliated staff