
This website is a shared initiative of four capacity groups of Wageningen University. Together we host this Wageningen Centre of Governance. You can contact us by finding our emails in the list of experts, by finding our names in the telephone directory of the WUR (WE@WUR), or through our separate staff lists of the capacity groups:

Public Administration and Policy Group (PAP)

Liaison person WCG Gerard Breeman

Hollandseweg 1,
6706 KN Wageningen,
the Netherlands

Tel. +31 (0)317 482957

Secretariat: Maarit Junnikkala

Environmental Policy Group (ENP)

Liaison person WCG Aarti Gupta

Hollandseweg 1,
6706 KN Wageningen,
the Netherlands

Tel. +31 (0)317 484452

Secretariat: Corry Rothuizen

Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group (FNP)

Liaison person WCG Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers

Droevendaalsesteeg 3,
6708 PB Wageningen,
the Netherlands

Tel. +31 (0)317 486192

Secretariat: Barbara Kolijn

Law and Governance Group (LAW)

Hollandseweg 1,
6706 KN Wageningen,
the Netherlands

Tel. +31 (0)317 482957

Secretariat: Maarit Junnikkala