
Besides the education given at Wageningen University, the Student Council also sees the need to work on facilities. Facilities includes all that is not education, think of RSI/CANS, In’to Languages, Student workplaces, Catering and the WUR shop. The Student Facilities committee has time and possibilities to work on own initiatives.

Because it is such a broad subject, hereby some examples of topics we are dealing with but also some topics you may already experience the outcomes of! 

Safe access to the Campus

The Student Council of 2012-2013 started working on safe access to the Campus. By defining the problem area of the Tarthorst and the cross road at Bornsesteeg and action was started to improve the flow and safety of cyclists to the Wageningen Campus. Besides promoting an alternative route to the campus via Dijkgraaf amongst the students, also cooperation with and between the municipality and the university was set up. We saw that it was impossible to solve the situation ourselves but together we can look at short and long term solutions and put them into practice.


Also we have been very busy working with the IT department on the introduction of several apps from the university. In that context we have been involved with the competition that is organised by a company and is targeting the students that can and want to develop apps themselves.

WUR shop

The WUR shop has been taken over by StudyStore and we are working hard to find a solution for the long queues and maintain the extra discount that members of study associations get.

Also from September 2013 onwards the electronic book ordering system (EBOS) has been implemented broadly amongst the different programs. Still there are some problems with the electronic book ordering system (EBOS), like taking the books from the WUR shop still.


Catering is not only the biggest need of students, but also the biggest concern of most. Currently we have the luxury of three different caterers in the Leeuwenborch, the Forum and the Orion. We try to talk with them about the queues for the Chinese food, the food that can be bought outside and the food that is served for dinner.