Arrival in Uppsala

On the 26th of August I flew to Sweden and after two hours I arrived at the airport in Stockholm with another student from Wageningen University. After twenty minutes travelling by train we arrived at Uppsala. Uppsala is one of the 4 biggest cities of Sweden and is a University City, like Wageningen.

In the photo collage you can see in the left top a little brook that goes through Uppsala. In the right top you can see the view from my window. For the coming 4 months I will be living in a student accommodation. In the accommodation there are different corridors and on each corridor there will be living 3 or 5 people. On the corridor where I will be staying there will be two other people. In the middle you can see one of the buildings that is located on the campus. In the left bottom you can see the view from the plane and in the right bottom you can see the church that is located in the middle of the centre of Uppsala. My student accommodation is nearby the church so if I get lost, I just have to bike in the direction of the church!

Today we got an introduction tour around the campus and some general information. 1st of September the classes will start and this weekend there will be some introduction days, so soon you will hear more from my journey in Sweden!