
After my supervisor took me to my temporary home, I met his family. Although I was glad to have arrived at my destination I was tired from the trip, so it did not took long before I retreated.

The next day was already planned for me. So, instead of starting my quest to look for a room, the family was going on a fishing trip. Although I am not a great fan of fishing (I probably scare the fish away) I felt I should take this opportunity to get to know my supervisor a bit better. During the trip I also learned that fishing for the fish that we should be catching today is a nationwide hobby! The small fish are caught using a net and it is extremely tightly regulated. A net (of a certain size) can be put in a river no more than 6 meter, as long as it is not 1/3 of the river width and no water can flow around the pass-by nets. In the end we caught almost 700 grams and the whitebait patties were delicious!