Band playing



Wageningen has two cinemas: Movie W and the Heerenstraat Theater. Movie W is an arthouse cinema, the Heerenstraat Theater shows regular films. If you plan to go and see a popular film you might want to reserve tickets, because tickets can get sold out rather quickly. In Ede there is a big state-of-the-art cinema Pathé, next to the motorway.

If you decide to go to the cinema, be prepared for an intermission at the most interesting moment of the film. Some Dutch movie theatres put in a 15 minute break so that visitors can go to the bathroom or purchase drinks without missing an important part of the plot. Most films in the Netherlands are shown in their original language with Dutch subtitles.


Most pubs are open throughout the entire week, but the major parties are on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Entrance fees are only asked for in case of a special event or theme party. Be aware that you cannot enter some pubs after 1.30 am. 

Every first Sunday of the month the group Bal Folk will play traditional music from all over the world from 16:00-20:00 in Cafe De Zaaier, Heerenstraat 33 in Wageningen. Everybody who plays an instrument or is able to sing is welcome to join them.

Student parties

Thursday night is the traditional night for Dutch students to party; but on Friday and Saturday pubs are also full of people. On most Thursday nights one of the major Dutch student associations in Wageningen (Ceres, KSV, SSR-W and Unitas) will throw an 'open party', these parties are open to all students in Wageningen. Also ISOW has an open dance evening every 2nd Friday of the month.

If you would like to go out on another night you might try one of the three student housing pubs, which are always open.

Entertainment in the city

Throughout the year Wageningen has several structural events, see the page "A brief introduction to the Netherlands". The most activities are shown on the website Uit in Wageningen and the APP Uit in Wageningen. The APP is also in English and for free, for Apple and Android usage. Also the site Jazz in Wageningen might be interesting.

In Wageningen "Stichting Popcultuur Wageningen" is a group of volunteers who organize concerts and festivals at different location in Wageningen. An overview of the activities and an agenda is on the website Popcultuur-Wageningen and Facebook Popcultuur-Wageningen.

Entertainment for globally-minded people

Once a year in spring time Wageningen University & Research organises a One World Week. A cultural week with workshops, lectures, games, food, music, sports etc. During this week everybody can join and/or organize an activity as an individual or a group. The goal of the week is to learn more about people with diverse backgrounds and to stimulate interaction and cultural awareness. This week is a nice opportunity to experience the international atmosphere and to enjoy yourself.