dr. CC (Chih-Chen Trista) Lin

dr. CC (Chih-Chen Trista) Lin


I am a lecturer in the Cultural Geography Group at Wageningen University. In my research, I bring feminist theory to work at the intersection of children and youths' geographies and the critical studies of international development, humanitarianism and tourism. Broadly speaking, my work has aimed to contribute to understanding the production of humanitarian aid, social care and protection, education and skilling spaces (in both formal and informal settings crossing the divides of public and private spheres, home and away, the Global North and the Global South) as well as the temporalities and sociality constituting these spaces. My approach has been characterized by the synthesis of critical scholarly and reparative analytics. Working with such analytics, my research foregrounds (young and no-so-young) people's embodied and lived experiences of care, education, and work in and around the spaces produced. I examine how vulnerability, marginalization, and other life-diminishing and life-damaging conditions such as violence become reworked in the more-than-individual affective life, through shared organization and (alternative) ways of governing life and work.