Visiting Austria

One of the other undeniable advantages of studying in Prague is that it is situated literally in the heart of Europe. This means that you can travel around the continent using relatively little time and money. Craving for winter sports enjoyment, our family went to visit Tirol region in Austria. We reached it after a four hours’ drive. Even though the sun did not want to show its face and it was quite cold, the conditions for skiing were great.

In Czech, we have a saying, which says that the third day on a skiing trip is always critical. I do not know if this was only made up as an excuse for laziness and relaxation, but anyway, we usually use the third day to travel to the cities around. This year, we went to Salzburg (on the picture). We were walking around the unbelievably turquoise river, the small streets and the ostentatious buildings of this Mozart’s city. Salzburg is a very cosy town offering a lot of nice cafés, restaurant and monuments, which you can visit.