FAQ - consumers

If you have any questions about the app, please consult the FAQ below. If your question is not amongst them, please contact the researcher.


You can read all of the questions and answers below.

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Why should I use the app?

FoodProfiler gives you insight into your eating patterns without having to keep a detailed food journal. You will find out how healthy and sustainable your eating habits are compared to the average Dutch person.
Researchers at Wageningen University & Research will use this data to gain a better understanding of Dutch eating patterns. The data is used for various research purposes; for example, to improve policies and strategies that stimulate healthy and sustainable consumer choices.

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What will my information be used for?

All information is anonymous, which means your personal information will be combined with those of other consumers. This makes it easier for the researchers to generalise their statements to food consumption in the Netherlands as a whole. The data is strictly used for research purposes; for example, to improve policies and strategies that stimulate healthy and sustainable consumer choices.

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Is it anonymous?

Your data is kept strictly anonymous. All data is stored and secured by Wageningen University & Research. Your individual details are not particularly relevant for research purposes – it's about the bigger picture. Your personal information will be combined with that of other consumers. This makes it easier for the researchers to generalise their statements to food consumption in the Netherlands as a whole.

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The food I ate is not listed. What do I do?

Sometimes things go wrong, which is perfectly alright. The app tracks how often you make new entries. Once we have documented three full days' worth of information, you will receive your profile.

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How long is my data stored for?

Your data will be stored indefinitely. Your personal information will be combined with that of other consumers, which will help the researchers generalise their statements to food consumption in the Netherlands as a whole.
We store this information because multi-year comparisons are extremely interesting for research purposes. For example, it can help us determine whether meat consumption is increasing or decreasing.

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Why is the information only entered for a few weeks?

We don't want to ask too much of you. Given that many people use the app, we can make reliable statements about this group as a whole. Without demanding too much of your time, we can get a good idea of the types of food eaten by the group as a whole.

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If I lie about the information I enter, how reliable will the data be?

If you don't enter your information truthfully, you won't get a realistic idea of the type of eater you are. Reliable data is also extremely important for research purposes. Minor mistakes aren't a problem, given the number of people using the app. We can also filter out the people who used the app in a different way.

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Can I see which research study my data is used for?

We only just started the study, which means no research results are available at this time. Do keep an eye on this site because we will publish the research studies as soon as they are made public.

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Can I submit food and drink suggestions?

We would love to hear any suggestions that may improve the app! You can send your suggestions to foodintakeapp@wur.nl.

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I don't recognise myself in the eating profile. What do I do?

This can happen. It's possible that no representative moments were filled in. It's also possible that you are a healthier, unhealthier or more sustainable eater than you initially thought.

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Where can I find an overview of all data collected in FoodProfiler?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. Your data is kept strictly anonymous.

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Why was the name FoodProfiler chosen?

We chose this name because the app gives you an idea of the type of eater you are. In other words, it gives you insight into your food profile.

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