Irrigation of late blight inoculated field

Evaluation data

Most of the evaluation data are the result of screenings of the germplasm by potato specialists at different institutes in the Netherlands and Germany. Furthermore, some data from liturature reports and screenings at private breeding companies have been included.

Globodera pallida nematode cysts

Evaluation results are available on diseases and some quality traits: root-knot and cyst-nematodes, late blight, wart, gangreen, dry rot, potato viruses M, X and Y, blackleg, softrot, dry weight, reducing sugar and vitamin C contents. The results must always be considered as preliminary.

Additional info is available on: I) evaluation methods and II) other sources with evaluation results on glycoalkaloids, nitrogen uptake and use efficiency, starch & amylose content and size & morphology of starch granules, protein content, Potato tuber moth, late blight. The Portal provides links per trait to on-line available evaluation data for potato germplasm in different collections.

Users of CGN germplasm are requested to share their evaluation data on the received accessions. An embargo period before including the results in the database of CGN can be agreed upon.

On line search

An on line search facility is offered for passport and evaluation data of accessions that received a CGN number so far.


You'll find Raw data per trait on CGN numbers only and Evaluation data on all accessions (incl. receipt nrs; 3-1-2011; 2178 records). The format of the data is according to the agreements of APIC (the Association of Potato Intergenebank Collaborators; Hoekstra et al., 1997; summary).