About Us

Wageningen NMR Centre (WNMRC) is established in 1992, and is based on a fruitful collaboration of several WU groups (BioNanoTechnology, Biophysics, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Food Chemistry, Biobased Chemistry and Technology) and Research Institutes (Food & Biobased Research and Plant Research). In 2017 the name of the facility was changed into MAGNEtic resonance research FacilitY (MAGNEFY). MAGNEFY offers cost-effective access and support for training, operation and interpretation of magnetic resonance techniques for groups inside and outside WUR.

Available expertise within MAGNEFY covers applications in research fields of interest for Wageningen UR, like (agro)food, life sciences, and biobased research. It covers applications in research fields of interest for Wageningen UR. MAGNEFY also works closely with industries in different fields.