Education and Learning Sciences (ELS)

Sustainable development was already in the core of our mission. However due to ongoing global challenges we felt the need to rethink our mission. Our new mission is to understand and facilitate the unfolding of human potential in response to global challenges. This means that we want to understand and facilitate learners throughout their lives to contribute to worldwide challenges in a meaningful, responsible and critical manner. Hereby, we realize that sustainable development is more than just knowledge creation and innovation, it concerns the drive of individuals and groups. This drive is reflected in the so-called Inner Development Goals, which concern skills and qualities such as being, thinking, relating, collaborating and acting. In our research and education the development of these inner development goals will be put central to create impact for a more sustainable world. While rethinking our mission we invited our former colleague Hasse Cox to make drawings based on our thinking. This resulted in a nice illustration reflecting our mission in a comprehensive way.

Ongoing (PhD-) projects