Facilities Bioveterinary Research CRO Contract Research Organization

Facilities Wageningen Bioveterinary Research

Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) has combined animal and laboratory services to facilitate your research in different fields of expertise, such as vaccine development, clinical trials and nutrition.

Animal species

Our Biosafety Level 3 and 4 facilities can house livestock as well as laboratory animals like rodents. We have extensive experience with studies in cattle, poultry, pigs, ferrets and mice. Besides those animal species, experiments in goats, sheep, horses, llamas and other rodents are also possible.

Due to the use of flexible multipurpose boxes for animal housing, different types of experiments with varying group sizes are possible. An operating room is available for complex surgery, like the production of caesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived calves or piglets (CDCD animals).

One of the unique selling points of WBVR is the availability of animal models for infectious diseases / pathogens.

Full AAALAC accreditation

Wageningen Bioveterinary Research has a full AAALAC accreditation. This means that we offer the highest quality animal care and welfare for animals and employees.

We take care of our animals by a very knowledgeable and specialized team, and the animals are housed in well maintained and organized facilities.

Welfare and ethics

We aim for the highest possible level of animal welfare under all circumstances. Our ethical committee ensures that all animal experiments are evaluated according to Dutch laws on animal experiments.

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