Social Safety Contact Point
The social safety contact point is for anyone who would like to know, ask or report something, or who wishes to talk about social safety, or does not know where to go for assistance. This means that both students and WUR staff members can apply to the social safety contact point with a question, report or complaint concerning undesirable behaviour. And if you do not know how to deal with a situation or who to turn to.
The contact point is an additional avenue at WUR for talking about undesirable behaviour in an easily accessible way or for making a report, alongside the existing provisions at WUR, such as confidential counsellors, the occupational social work team (see the Intranet), student psychologists and the ombudsperson.
Through the contact point, we aim to gain greater insight into everything that happens in the area of social safety. We are also trying to improve social safety in a structured way at WUR. A question, complaint or report may refer to any violation of (social) safety or integrity at WUR in the broadest sense. You can find out more about WUR provisions for reporting or discussing undesirable behaviour at Social Safety - WUR
What constitutes undesireable behaviour?
We speak of undesirable behaviour whenever this behaviour is seen as undesirable or hurtful and has the consequence that the student or staff member no longer feels secure at their place of study or work at WUR. It is therefore not defined by the intention of the person displaying the behaviour, but by how the recipient experiences it. Everyone has different boundaries when it comes to desirable and undesirable behaviour. So, a person’s experience forms the basis, but is not the sole deciding factor in tackling undesirable behaviour and the possible consequences for those involved.
About this contact point
The contact point staff will ensure easily accessible routing of your question, complaint or report. Students and staff will be able to access the contact point by phone. You can also send an email. Contact point staff will make contact with you as soon as possible to discuss the question or report. Sometimes no further contact is necessary, and things are allowed to rest by sending out a signal or receiving advice. You will be able to make a report anonymously or choose for your name to be known only to the relevant contact point staff member.
- Confidentiality is guaranteed. Questions and reports will be handled confidentially, and the person reporting always decides what happens with the information. If you are referred on to another person in the organisation, the contact point staff member can assist you in this, if you would like them to do so.
- Recording information: The contact point will retain only anonymised information on the question, complaint or report and where it was referred to.
What sort of questions or reports can you take to the contact point??
You can turn to the contact point for all types of undesirable behaviour or (scientific) integrity violations, such as (sexual) harassment, aggression, exclusion, violence, bullying or discrimination.
The social safety contact point provides a regular overview of the number and type of reports and on the actions taken in the interim to investigate the reports. This overview is not traceable to individuals and is used for structural improvements and enhancing social safety at WUR.