Position Paper: only a realistic perspective on the future of plastics leads to sustainable progress
At Wageningen University & Research we believe in the power of biobased plastics. Not as a one-size-fits-all solution for every plastic challenge the world faces, but as a major element of a future in which human’s needs are met, while the production and end-of-life usage of plastics wreaks less environmental havoc.
Next to recycling, reuse and replacing plastics, biobased and biodegradable plastics play a major part in a circular economy. Programme Manager Renewable Plastics Karin Molenveld explains what our plastics future could (en maybe should) look like in this 2024 Position Paper.
“Realistically, as world’s population and their welfare rise, the demand of plastics will continue to rise as well. Not all plastic products can be recycled and many products have a high risk of ending up in the environment before they even get the chance to be reclaimed. This is due to the context in which they’re used, think for instance of agricultural foils, or because of littering, as is the case with some packaging materials. Biobased plastic not only have a lower carbon footprint in their production than fossil-based plastics, but can also be more easily made circular by design. Moreover biodegradable plastics disappear from the environment before they’re accumulated.”
How does that all work? Download the position paper and find out how biobased and biodegradable plastics can help in meeting the demands of a thriving society as well as reduce the negative impact on that society.