Bachelor Data Science for Global Challenges

How to automatically recognise food quality with camera images? How to monitor land cover change as a result of climate change with satellite images? How to determine hereditary traits that lead to climate resistant species and crops?

More and more data are becoming available in the Wageningen domain, as in many other domains. As a result, there is a growing need to analyse this data, use it to design models, and develop data-driven sustainable solutions for global challenges. Increasingly, these models and methods exploit the potential of artificial intelligence. Data science is thus becoming increasingly important to address global challenges. Will you join our bachelor programme in which you integrate data science and the domains of agri-food, health and environment to develop meaningful solutions for global challenges?

Bachelor Data Science
Registration open!
Data Science for Global Challenges is a new programme starting in September 2025. On January 22, we received official accreditation.
You can now register for this programme through

Why this programme?

  • A unique programme that integrates data science with life sciences serving global challenges.
  • You will be broadly educated and learn to integrate different life science domains (agri-food, health and environment) with data science. In that way you will be able to work together with different stakeholder and know how to easily communicate with them.
  • In this programme, next to compulsory courses we offer a relatively large block of free topics. A study adviser will help you with a choice.
  • This programme is bilingual (Dutch and English) so you will be well prepared for a national and international career.

What will you study?

During the BSc Data Science for Global Challenges programme you will learn to become a ‘bridge builder’ between the fields of data science and life sciences. You will develop data science knowledge and skills on the one hand, and learn the key concepts of life sciences on the other hand. To be able to interconnect the domains of agri-food, health and environment with data science will develop unique skills and the attitude of a bridge builder.

  • You will be comfortable with speaking both the language of data scientists and life scientists.
  • You will possess strong knowledge both in data science and AI quantitative methods and techniques AND disciplinary knowledge and skills. The depth of data science, AI and disciplinary knowledge may differ per student, depending on your own choices within the programme.
  • You will be able to empathise with the interests and (ethical) concerns of life scientists in data science and the other way around (i.e. data scientists interests and concerns in life sciences).

Language of the programme

This programme is offered as 'dual track'. There is a track fully taught and assessed in English. And next to that, for Dutch speaking students, there is a 'Dutch' track in which a significant part of the teaching and assessment is done in Dutch, while other parts are taught and assessed fully in English. Content-wise these tracks are identical.

Application and admission

Visit the Admission and application page page to check the programme prerequisites and enrol into our programme.

After your study

Most bachelor students continue with a master programme. Depending on which master you will choose you will become a professional data scientist, data engineer or analyst, developer, consultant, GIS specialist, nutritionist or epidemiologist.

Continue with a Master's

This bachelor's programme gives admission to a large number of master’s programmes, both within as well as outside of Wageningen.
We distinguish 3 different types of continuation masters:

  • A master’s programme in which you integrate data science with specific sub-domain of life sciences. Within Wageningen you will have unconditional admission to: Master Bioinformatics, Master Geo-information Science, Master Biosystems Engineering, Master Data Science for Food and Health, and the Joint-degree Master Geographical Information Management and Applications.
  • A master’s programme in Life Sciences: to be admitted to such a programme you will select specific courses in your free choice. You can then continue with a.o. the following master’s in Wageningen: Biotechnology, Food Technology, Food Safety, Forest and Nature Conservation, Nutrition and Health and Earth and Environment.
  • A master's in Data Science. To continue with “pure” data science master you will need to select and follow a choice of electives to be admissible to one of the Data Science master’s at other Universities.