Board of Education
The Executive Board has established a single board for all degree programmes at the university, the Board of Education. The Board of Education consists of eight members: four professors and four students. The Board is responsible for the content, quality, and innovation of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes at the university which have been accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). The Board of Education also advises the Executive Board on a number of specific educational matters.
The Executive Board appoints the members of the Board of Education. The term for student members is one year and the term for professors is two years. Members can be reappointed twice. The Dean of Education serves as the chair of the Board of Education, without actually being a member of it.
Tasks and competencies
The Board of Education has the following tasks and competencies:
- annually establishing or modifying the educational content of the degree programmes in response to a proposal from the relevant programme committee;
- creating quality standards for the education programmes;
- regularly assessing the educational content of degree programmes on the basis of the established quality standards;
- adopting a plan for innovating the degree programmes once per year;
- establishing the budget for the degree programmes;
- consulting the programme committees on topics for which the programme committees have requested a recommendation from the Board of Education or vice versa.
Below are some of the topics in which the Board of Education advises the Executive Board:
- the establishment and discontinuance of degree programmes;
- the Education and Examination Regulations;
- the establishment, extension, and discontinuance of chair groups.
The Board of Education also advises on topics that relate directly to the quality of education in the degree programmes, such as academic skills in the programmes, the binding study advice, and setting a numerus fixus for programmes.
Each year, the Board of Education reports to the Executive Board its activities and the quality of education in the degree programmes.
Board of education