Specialisations - MSc Resilient Farming and Food Systems
After being admitted to the MSc Resilient Farming and Food Systems students have to choose a specialisation. The specialisation you choose determines the possible subjects of your thesis research (i.e. at which chair groups the research can be done) and which master's courses you are required to take.
Choose your specialisation
Sometimes the choice of specialisation is restricted by the type of BSc diploma or previous work experience. Some students know which specialisation they want right from the start. For others deciding on a specialisation is more challenging. Our study advisors can help you in making this decision.
The MSc Resilient Farming and Food Systems two specialisations:
Due to concerns about the sustainability of conventional farming practices, food safety issues and pollution of the environment, there is an increasing demand for agricultural products that are produced in an environmentally-friendly and socially acceptable manner.
In addition to the demand for organic products by consumers in industrialised countries, there is a need for ecological farming practices in low-income countries, since farmers in those regions cannot afford external inputs such as pesticides, fertilisers or expensive seeds.
In the specialisation agroecology students learn to apply ecological principles to agriculture to create food production systems that work with nature and contribute to a.o. wildlife conservation, climate change mitigation and social justice.
All students select a thesis track, that will determine which course(s) are required. All thesis tracks and associated courses are listed in the online Study Handbook.
Agroecology students can do their major thesis at six different Chair Groups within Wageningen University. Visit the Chair Group’s website to find out more about their research and possible thesis subjects:
Sustainable Food Systems
Improved understanding of global and local agro-food networks is essential to stimulate sustainable production of healthy food and renewable resources. This specialisation focuses on the social sciences perspective of resilient food provisioning. Topics range from globalisation and sustainability of food production and consumption to the (inter)national policies and legislation that affect organic production, processing and marketing.
All students select a thesis track, that will determine which course(s) are required. All thesis tracks and associated courses are listed in the online Study Handbook.
Sustainable Food Systems students can do their major thesis at eight different Chair Groups within Wageningen University. Visit the Chair Group’s website to find out more about their research and possible thesis subjects: