Facts and figures
How many students are enrolled in education programmes of the university of Wageningen University & Research? On this page you can find information about the number of bachelor's and master's students, PhD candidates and graduates.
Enrolled students
In the academic year 2024/2025 the university has a total of 13,190 students, of which 5,444 are bachelor's students, 7,184 are master's students, 105 are pre-master students and 457 are exchange students. Of all these students 3,663 are international. Besides them, there are also 2,463 PhD candidates.
In 2023/2024 from 1 September until 1 October 2,924 new bachelor's and master's students have started. In 2022/2023 344 PhD candidates, 2,521 master's and 1,373 bachelor's students graduated.
Year | 06/07 | 07/08 | 08/09 | 09/10 | 10/11 | 11/12 | 12/13 | 13/14 |
Total | 4,713 | 4,941 | 5,398 | 5,959 | 6,771 | 7,473 | 7,933 | 8,814 |
International | 1,185 | 1,108 | 1,108 | 1,444 | 1,735 | 1,922 | 2,016 | 2,137 |
Year | 14/15 | 15/16 | 16/17 | 17/18 | 18/19 | 19/20 | 20/21 | 21/22 |
Total | 9,545 | 10,380 | 11,275 | 12,001 | 12,439 | 12,819 | 13,275 | 13,676 |
International | 2,160 | 2,364 | 2,642 | 2,788 | 2,769 | 2,889 | 2,777 | 3,186 |
Year | 22/23 | 23/24 | 24/25 |
Total | 13,678 | 13,564 | 13190 |
International | 3,506 | 3,717 | 3663 |
In total there are 59,367 graduates of the university of Wageningen University & Research. There are 44,211 Dutch graduates and 15,156 international graduates. Of all the graduates 16% lives outside the Netherlands and 47% is female.
The 13,190 students of the university of Wageningen University & Research come from 109 nationalities. The most important nationalities of international students are Chinese, German and Italian.
Netherlands | 9,527 |
Europe | 2,004 |
Asia | 1,320 |
Africa | 83 |
North and South America | 240 |
Other | 16 |
Reference day: 1 October 2024