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Education - dr. C (Clara) Belzer

Microbes Inside MIB50803

How the omnipresent nature and function of microbes, including bacteria, archaea and fungi, affects our life

Resaerch Methods Microbiology MIB30303

Human Microbiome Online MIB51303


MIB70224 MSc Internship Microbiology
MIB79224 MSc Research Practice Microbiology
MIB30303 Research Methods Microbiology
MIB51301 Human Microbiome MOOC
CBI50806 Immunomodulation by food in disease
MIB79324 MSc Research Practice Microbiology
MIB70424 MSc Internship Microbiology
MIB80424 MSc Thesis Microbiology
MIB32303 Human Microbiome
CBI50806 Immunomodulation by food in disease: pathology and prevention
MIB80436 MSc Thesis Microbiology
MIB51301 Human Microbiome MOOC
MIB32303 Human Microbiome
MIB30303 Research Methods Microbiology
MIB70224 MSc Internship Microbiology
MIB70424 MSc Internship Microbiology
MIB79324 MSc Research Practice Microbiology
MIB80424 MSc Thesis Microbiology
MIB79224 MSc Research Practice Microbiology
MIB80436 MSc Thesis Microbiology