Projects - prof.dr. M (Mangala) Srinivas
Strijkers G, Vandoorne K, Srinivas M. Fluorine magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging of cardiac inflammation (MUSICIAN). STW grant, NWO Technology Foundation (€750, 000). 2016-’21.
Srinivas M. Junior Principal Investigator status at Radboud UMC. This is a competitive grant with requirements in publications, successful grants and social standing (€57,500 per year).
Benzton JF, Feil S, Srinivas M. SCAN: Subclinical atherosclerosis characterization: Nanoparticle-based molecular and cellular imaging. ERA-NET CVD (€800, 000). 2018-2021.
Srinivas M, Simon J. Multimodal imaging agents for cell tracking. Radboud Innovation Fund (€80k).
Srinivas M. EU Nanoparticle Characterisation Lab (EU NCL) for full characterisation of the particles, including in vivo toxicity testing.
Srinivas M, Simon J. Multimodal imaging contrast agents. NWO Take-off Phase 1 (€40, 000).
Srinivas M, Simon J. Cenya. ERC Proof of Concept (€150, 000). 2019-2021.
Srinivas M, Simon J. Cenya Imaging. RedMedTech (€250, 000). 2019-2024.
Srinivas M, Simon J. Cenya Imaging. NWO Take-off Phase II (€250,000). 2019-2024.
Srinivas M and consortium (coordinated by LeidenUMC). NOVA-MRI: Novel applications in 19F MRI. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 (€4.05M; about 500k to Cenya). 2019-2024.
Srinivas M, and consortium (coordinated by VILABS, Greece). CALIPER: Linking research and innovation for gender equality. H2020-SwafS-2019-1 (€2.9M; 158k to YAE). 2019-2024.
Srinivas M, and consortium. COST Cross-Cutting Activity. How to address the increasing challenge of science communication in a diverse European (media) landscape? (YAE) 2019-2022.
Srinivas M, Simon J (Cenya), Mondino A & Chaabane L (San Raffaele), Debet R & Bernsen M (ErasmusMC), Maynard J (Medicines Discovery Catapult UK). Translatable multimodal imaging agent for tracking and quantifying cell therapies in vivo. CRACK IT Challenge Phase 1 by Innovate UK, together with GSK and Novartis (£100k, for 6 months). 2020.
Srinivas M, and consortium (coordinated by MJR-PharmJet. Pharmaceutical Open Innovation Test Bed for Enabling Nano-pharmaceutical Innovative Products (PHOENIX). H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2020-twostage call (€14.45M). 2021-2025.
Srinivas M. Intraveneously injected unusual nanoparticles in the clinic (Unusual-IV). ERC Proof of Concept (€150, 000). 2021-2022.