NI (Nynke) Kramer PhD
Universitair hoofddocentNynke Kramer is associate professor in toxicology at Wageningen University and Research. Her research focuses on developing techniques and models to improve the extrapolation of effect concentrations obtained from in vitro cell assays to toxic doses relevant to humans and animals. Before starting at Wageningen University in 2021, she was assistant professor in toxicology at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences of Utrecht University, where she also obtained her PhD in 2010. Nynke’s research has been awarded the SETAC Procter and Gamble Fellowship for Doctoral Research in Environmental Sciences. She used the prize money to do part of her research at the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology, Eawag, Dübendorf, Switzerland. Before starting her PhD, Nynke obtained her BSc degree in Life Sciences at University College Utrecht and her MSc degree in Environmental Change and Management at the University of Oxford.