BSc & MSc Projects
Laboratory of Biophysics can offer students a range of BSc and MSc projects, which can be read by clicking on one of the links below.
Each project is suitable for BSc and MSc: the subject will depend on the study level.
Dr. Johannes Hohlbein
- Single-molecule bacteriology (CRISPR-Cas) (download)
- (Open) hardware and software for super-resolution microscopy (download)
- Super-resolution food microscopy (download)
Dr. Emilie Wientjes
- Improving the light harvesting capacity by mutational analysis of LHCII (download)
- Improving biomass production by investigating the role of PSBS on NPQ (download)
- Elucidating the thylakoid organisation (download)
- Photosystem I - the most efficient nanomachine in nature (download)
- Probing the heat-resistance of plant thylakoid membranes (download)
Dr. Camilla Terenzi
- Microsensors for microflow MRI at high/ultra-high fields. (download)
- NMR/MRI of gastric milk protein digestion. (download)
- Rheo- and flow-MRI of soft dispersions. (download)