The Department of Organic chemistry is involved in teaching several courses as shown below.
Visit the Study Handbook website for more detailed information.
Course overview:
- Organic Chemistry I (ORC-12803)
- Organic Chemistry II (ORC-12903)
- Environmental Organic Chemistry (ORC-13303)
- Bio-organic Chemistry for Life Sciences (ORC-13803)
- Analytical Methods in Organic Chemistry (ORC-11806)
- Bio-organic Chemistry (ORC-20306)
- Structure and Reactivity (ORC-30806)
- Applied Biocatalysis (ORC-30306)
- Bio-organic Chemistry at Surfaces: Tuning the Outermost Nanometer (ORC-31806)
- Research Methods in Organic Chemistry (ORC-31303)
- Chemical Biology: Exploring Biology with Small Molecules (ORC-50803)
- Advanced Bio-analytical Chemistry (ORC-32303)
- Refresher course Bio-organic Chemistry for Life Sciences (ZRC-00300)
The Department of Organic chemistry also contributes to the following courses:
- Molecular Life Sciences (BIC-10807)
- Enzymology (BIC-20806)
- Renewable Resources and the (Bio)Chemical production of Industrial Chemicals (BCT-24306)
- Spectroscopy and Imaging (BIP-24306)
- Plants & Health 1 (NEM-22306)
- Plants & Health 2 (NEM-31806)
- Frontiers in Molecular Life Sciences (PPH-31804)
- From Molecules to Designer Materials (PCC-33806)
- Conversions in Biobased Sciences (BCT-33806)
- Biofunctional Food Ingredients (FCH-38306)
- Environmental Analytical Techniques (SOC-33806)
- Advances in Magnetic Resonance (BIP-31806)
- Metal Complex Coordination Chemistry & Characterization (BNT-31306)
- Catalysis and sustainable bio-organic synthesis (CASBOS) (BCT-35306)
- Computer Modelling of Biomolecules (PCC-40806)