Food Chemistry

Education of the Laboratory of Food Chemistry

We care about education. So, the Laboratory of Food Chemistry is constantly involved in adapting our education to the changing needs of our students and to the possibilities that (new) media gives us.

Our educational principles

  • We feel it is our responsibility that our students become independent and critical academics.
  • Developing research skills already starts in our Bachelor course: students have to design their own experiments by choosing from the available methods and plan the experiments themselves.
  • Research skills are deepened in the Master courses: students come up with their own research questions, their own methods, design and plan their own experiments and write a report in the form of a scientific article.
  • In our courses we create a learning environment in which students feel safe and are taken seriously.
  • We believe in feedback: we will give feedback on all student reports.
  • We believe in active learning, so we try to provide activating learning activities in all our courses.
  • Information technology provides many opportunities to provide effective and efficient learning activities, so we are constantly involved in developing interesting e-learning tools for our students.
  • During our laboratory classes we make use of the program ExperD, developed at our Laboratory, in which students design their experiments.


The internship is a compulsory part of the study at Wageningen University & Research. It is scheduled in the MSc programme. The aim is to gain experience outside our university.

Our students find an internship placement all over the world: Australia, New Zealand, Southern America, Hong Kong, US, Jamaica, Europe etc. Placements abroad are usually found in universities or institutes. However, there are also possibilities in industrial companies (mainly the multinationals such as Unilever, Nestlé).

Lots of Dutch companies offer internships, either as a project or as a continuous placement. Examples are Mars, Unox, Purac, Heinz, FCDF, Douwe Egberts, Campina, Nutricia, AVEBE, etc.

    Frequently Asked Questions about Food Chemistry internships 

    What is the duration of an internship?

    It is compulsory for a student to have at least 24 ECTS with a maximum of 39 ECTS. A student is free to choose a company, institute or university.

    Does Wageningen University arrange the internship?

    No. It is the responsibility of the student to contact a possible placement. The internship coordinator will help you and can provide you with several options. There are also organisations that can help you find a placement:,

    How do I arrange an internship?

    Contact the internship coordinator (Food Chemistry: Jenneke Heising). Ask yourself what you prefer (domestic, abroad, duration, company, university, subject). Also visit the homepages of companies and universities on the internet. 

    Is it advisable to finish my MSc thesis first?

    It depends. If you have done an MSc thesis before you begin the internship, you have some more “experience” to offer and you have learned to work independently. On the other hand: if you get a great chance, then you should take such an opportunity, even if this internship is scheduled before you start your MSc thesis.

    How long in advance should I start making arrangements?

    Usually 4 to 6 months. It depends on the internship placement. If you plan to go abroad, it is advised to start 6 months in advance, especially when you prefer to go to another continent or when visas are required. The visa procedures are often very time consuming (also see the last question). Internships within the Netherlands can usually be arranged quicker.

    How do I contact the company/institute/university?

    The best way is to contact people by email, although it is also possible to do so by snail mail or fax. In all cases you have to include a resume. If you have finished and passed the MSc thesis, please mention that in your resume. It is a positive element and it suggests some independent working attitude.

    Are there grants available?

    It is usually difficult to find grants. Sometimes there are options through EU programmes, such as Erasmus/Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Food Atlantic. However, Wageningen University is not permanently involved in all programmes. Ask the internship coordinator.

    Which agreements have to be made with the internship placement?

    Agreements about the following elements are necessary:

    • starting- and ending date
    • subject
    • finishing written report (confidentiality?)
    • allowance
    • housing
    • optional: allowance for travelling and housing

    What are the rules about marking the internship?

    A mark is based on the written report and the internship evaluation form (to be filled up by your supervisor). 

    What other arrangements need to be made?

    • Travelling insurance: Wageningen University pays for it after a statement from the internship coordinator.
    • Visa: This is often a time consuming procedure. Usually you need an invitation letter of the internship placement and a statement that you are registered as a university student and that the internship is a compulsory part of your study. Sometimes it is also asked for other statements, like a financial statement, a bill of good health or a certificate of good behaviour (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag).
    • Health insurance: It is advisable to inform your health insurance company and to ask if all health related costs have worldwide coverage.
    • OV-jaarkaart (only for Dutch students): It is possible to postpone the 'OV-jaarkaart' by filling out a standard form, available at the students registration office or through intranet.
    • Before leaving: always inform your internship coordinator.

    Study programmes

    The laboratory of Food Chemistry is involved in courses of the following study programmes:

    • Bachelor Programme Food Technology (BFT)
    • Bachelor Programme Biotechnology (BBT)
    • Master Programme Food Technology (MFT)
    • Master Programme Food Safety (MFS)
    • Master Programme Nutrition and Health (MNH)
    • Master Programme Biotechnology (MBT)
    • BSc minor Food Technology (WUFTE)
    • BSc Minor Food Products and Processing (WUFPP)
    • BSc Minor Food Safety (WUFST)
    • BSc Minor Food, Intestinal Homeostasis and Disease (WUFHD)
    • BSc Minor Foods of Animal Origin (WUFAO)

    For more information on these study programmes go to the Study Handbook of Wageningen University.