Food carbohydrates
Description of theme
Carbohydrates determine to a large extent quality attributes of the final food product while polysaccharides (e.g. pectic substances, hemicelluloses, cellulose) as present in fresh fruits and vegetables (e.g. ripeness, texture) determines their typical characteristics as well as their processing characteristics in the manufacture of foods (juices, nectars, purees, preserves). Polysaccharides also influence the extractability of important constituents of plant raw materials like sugar, oil, proteins, etc. Dietary fibers and prebiotic oligosaccharides, including mammalian milk oligosaccharides, play an important role in human and animal health, and their behaviour in the gastrointestinal tract strongly depend on the chemical structure of these fibers.
In general, various classes of oligo- and polysaccharides as present in fruits, vegetables, cereals or food products derived here from and of agrotechnological by-products are extracted and characterised by e.g.sugar (linkage) composition, substituents, molecular weight. Unknown carbohydrate structures are separated by (preparative) chromatography and characterised using mass spectrometry and NMR. Enzymatic fingerprinting methods using pure and well characterised enzymes are being used and further developed to enable ‘sequencing’ of complex carbohydrate structures using state-of-the-art LC-MS platforms. The fate of individual prebiotic and dietary fiber structure during the digestion and fermentation in in vitro models as well in human and animals are monitored using the same analytical techniques.
Relationships between the chemical fine structure of the carbohydrate under investigation and the corresponding functional property of this carbohydrate (isolated or as present in the original product) will be established.
Typical materials studied are: cereals like wheat, corm; fruits and vegetables like apple, tomato, carrots, potatoes, soybeans; food ingredient like pectin, galactomannans, xanthan, as well as human milk and fermentation digests.
Research Projects
- Prebiotics & a Healthy Colon Fang-Jie Gu, prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- Starch digestion in pigs (with WUR Animal Nutrition) Bianca Martens, prof. dr. W. Gerrits, prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- Variability in composition of Chinese human Milk (with WUR Dairy Science), Moheb Elwakiel, dr. K. Hettinga, Prof. dr. H. A. Schols
- Steering of microbiota and immunity in infants by non-digesitble carbohydrates. Madelon Logtenberg, Prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- Carbs can make the difference: how pectins fueal Immunity. Eva Jermendi, prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- Shaping the gut microbiome in early life. (with WUR Microbiology), Caifang Wen, Prof. dr. H. Smidt, Prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- Maillard mediated glycation of proteins. Hugo Cordoso, dr. Ir. P. Wierenga, Prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- Structural elucidation of complex polysaccharides using enzymatic fingerprinting and 2D LC-MS approaches. Carolina Pandeirada, dr. Y. Westphal, prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- Oat beta-glucan – protein interactions in sustainably produced food products (with WUR Physical Chemistry and Soft Matters. Dana te Brinke, Dr. R. de Vries, Prof. dr. H.A. Schols
- The effect of apple variety on apple processing and pectin properties. (CAAS, IFST Beijing) Dazhi Liu, prof J. Bi, prof. dr. H.A. Schols