Theses Environmental Systems Analysis (ESA)
The Earth Systems and Global Change Group Group provides the possibility for students to do their thesis in the field of Environmental Systems Analysis in collaboration with our group. Below you can find a large variety of possible thesis subjects.
Please feel free to contact the expert(s) connected with the subject for any more information. Their contact information can be found on the top right hand corner of each page.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Nature inclusive futures for the Netherlands
Analysis of ecosystem services in Guaviare and the Colombian Pacific (IDEAS-DESIRA Project)
Does nature help to enhance crop production?
Citizen involvement in biodiversity monitoring and conservation
Working on nature’s digital twin (strong quantitative skills required)
The multiple benefits of (urban) green infrastructure
Nutrients, Food and Environment
Impacts of agricultural measures on crop yields, soil quality and environment
Assessing the interactions among water and nutrients controlling crop production
Impact assessments of agriculture on soil health and environment
Optimizing agricultural management in view of surface water quality
Tourism and the nitrogen cycle: contribution to emissions, deposition and impacts
Empower Sustainable Futures
Unpacking the effect of climate change mitigation policies
Individual climate adaptation and mitigation behaviour
Spatially explicit land use modelling with the iCLUE model
Group model building with stakeholders using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping
Development and analysis of Multi-scale scenarios
European scenarios for tourism
Agent-based modelling of tourism and water scarcity
Boundary Crossing Competence Development for Environmental Professionals
The multiple benefits of (urban) green infrastructure