Education at the Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group
The Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation group teaches BSc and MSc courses in ecosystem ecology, restoration ecology, community ecology, nature management and ecological methods. Some courses include field excursions to nature reserves in the Netherlands.
An overview of the courses we coordinate:
- Ecology 1 (PEN10503) Introductory ecology course for many 1st year BSc students
- Forest and nature conservation I (PEN10806). Introductory field course.
- Ecology 2 (PEN20503) Continuation course in ecology.
- Ecology of Communities, Ecosystems and Landscapes: theory. (PEN21803)
- Ecology of Communities, Ecosystems and Landscapes: excursions (PEN22303)
- Plant, vegetation and systems ecology (PEN30306)
- Restoration Ecology (PEN30806)
- Insect Conservation Biology (PEN50803)
- Capita selecta: Perceptions of Nature (PEN50402)
In addition we participate in many other courses, coordinated by other chairgroups.
For more information about the courses given by us, please check the online Study Handbook.
BSc thesis
Professors and lecturers act as supervisors for individual BSc-theses within the study programs of Biology (BBI), Forest and Nature Conservation (BBN), and Soil Water Atmosphere (BWA). You are invited to propose your own topic. Who will supervise your thesis mainly depends on the topic you choose.
Students Forest and Nature Conservation can find more information here: PEN80812, or contact the BSc-thesis coordinators at
Biology students can find more information on YBI85812 in the study handbook.
Students Soil Water Atmosphere can look at SGL80812
BSc internships
Professors and lecturers also supervise BSc Internships for BBN. The BSc internship consists of a supervised placement in a company or organization in the domain of Forest & Nature Conservation in the Netherlands or abroad. It enalbes students to gain practical experience outside WUR. The internship consists of a delineated individual project at BSc level. Who will supervise the internship mainly depends on the topic you choose. For more information see BSc Internships or contact the coordinator Thijs Fijen.
MSc thesis
PEN-theses feature in 4 MSc programs: MBI, MEE, MFN, MCL. Thesis projects are part of the research of the PEN group. To search the complete list of our thesis projects, check the Tip-Website. For more information contact the MSc thesis coordinator Juul Limpens
- For more information regarding an MSc thesis at PEN, please follow this link PEN-MSc Thesis.
- For general guidelines regarding an MSc thesis within the Environmental Sciences Studies (PEN, REG and FEM), see download in the menu on the right.
- For more info on opportunities to do a thesis or an internship abroad, follow Erasmus+ grant or go to
MSc internships
Professors and lecturers also supervise MSc Internships. The idea is that students get working experience outside Wageningen University & Research, but at a professional academic level. Who will supervise the internship mainly depends on the topic you choose. For more information see MSc Internships or contact the coordinator Runa Magnusson.
PhD students
For general information about doing a PhD at Wageningen University & Research see the PhD website