Thesis projects Biodiversity functioning
The functioning of ecosystems depends on various factors such as the biodiversity of species, soil and climatic conditions, and human interference. Quantifying the effects of these factors, and the interactions among them for functioning is a multi-player challenge. Within CSA we address this challenge by focusing on improving the functioning of an agroecosystem by increasing biodiversity.
For example, we study how interactions among plant species affect functioning such as crop performance under different environmental conditions, how the presence of a diverse insect community affects crop performance via pollination or pest control, and how the availability of diverse crop products within regions can support food security for local and regional populations. This theme is highly related to other themes within CSA, such as intercropping, plant health and agroecological redesign.
Our thesis projects
We currently do not have any thesis projects in this theme. Feel free to contact the contact person for this theme, in case you want to propose or discuss your ideas for a thesis project.