Thesis projects Crop landscape ecology

The crop field is in dynamic interaction with its abiotic and biotic environment and not an island onto itself. Pests (e.g. aphids), natural enemies (e.g. ladybeetles, carabid beetles and parasitoids), pollinators (e.g. wild and managed honeybees), spores of pathogenic micro-organisms (e.g. spores of Phytophthora infestans), and weed seeds (e.g. Cirsium arvense) travel in the wider landscape, often by aerial dispersal, but in the case of some insects, also by walking.

Hence the composition of the landscape and its configuration affect crop health (pests and diseases) and production (pollination). In the crop landscape ecology theme we study these dynamic interactions by combining experiments, statistical analyses and modelling. This theme supports the design of landscapes that support healthy productive crops with reduced reliance on pesticides for management.