Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Biology
The Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Biology studies the dynamics of cellular organization in relation to cell growth, cell division and the organization of cell walls.
The Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Biology studies the fundamentals of plant developmental processes. To achieve this, we generate insight in molecular networks and cellular processes that modulate the development of different plant organs and their crosstalk in relation to the environment. We aim to understand the ‘rulebook’ by which plant cells build functional (sub)cellular components and how this connects to particular developmental stages. Our research includes studies on; root and shoot architecture, tissue regeneration, and embryo development. We include in these studies the dynamics of cellular organization in relation to cell growth, cell communication, cell division and the organization of cell walls. The generated fundamental insights on processes in plant growth and development can drive the improvement of agricultural practices.
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Research groups
Keijzer group - Intercellular communication
What do neighbouring plants cells share with each other? Resources? Information about intruders? Developmental instructions? Gossip? Probably all of the above! The fact that they can do this in an efficient manner lies with specialized, subcellular structures called plasmodesmata. These are membranous ‘tunnels’ that bridge the cytoplasm of 2 adjacent cells. Cells can control the structure of their plasmodesmata over time, and thereby control the flow of molecules between them.
Ketelaar group - Cellular polarity and dynamics
Many answers to questions about plant development and functioning can be found within cells. Relevant cellular processes include the regulation of division plane, the direction of cell growth and polarization in response to internal and external signals. We aim to understand the cellular machinery that drives and executes these processes. To do so, a multidisciplinary approach is used in which physical, chemical and genetic factors are considered. To reduce complexity, we use several model species with simple body plans, the moss Physcomitrium patens and since recently the alga Ulva mutabilis.
Willemsen Group - Plant architecture in relation to the environment
Plant shape, or architecture, is a primary determinant of productivity and yield. The shape of the above-ground part of the plant determines light interception and photosynthesis, whereas the below-ground root system determines the interaction with the soil, including uptake of water and nutrients and anchoring. Determining the molecular mechanisms that drive plant architecture in relation to the environment is the central aim of this group. This central question originates from the ambition to gain enough knowledge on plant architecture development to engineer crops that are adapted to their environment and can survive with scarce resources, and thus do not depend on nutrient application and copious watering. Sustainable crops that are adapted to poor soil conditions by generating a large root system in suboptimal conditions can lead to higher yields than non-adapted plants.
Heidstra Group - Stem cell specification and regeneration
A central question in biology is what determines the fate of a cell, tissue or even organ. Fate decisions taking place during embryogenesis are reiterated during the life of the plant to generate the adult architecture. Starting point in our studies on fate specification is the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and its anatomically simple root system.
Kohlen Group – Hormonal regulation of mitotic re-activation of plant cells
Imagine you were able to grow an extra arm when desired. While most vertebrates are unable to re-activate organ formation, plants have the remarkable capability of continuously re-activating organogenesis throughout their life. Because of this, the full form of the plant body is not predefined during embryogenesis. This plasticity is achieved post-embryonically through the formation of new axes of growth: so-called secondary meristems. These meristems harbour plant stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells that provide a steady supply of organ precursor cells.
Grones Group - Plasma Membrane Structure ©Hotpot
Similarly as the borders between countries, plasma membrane (PM) is serving as a natural boundary between the cellular constituents and their surroundings. Beyond serving as a protective barrier, the PM also plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between cells and their external environment, thus making it a key location to study this interaction. Perturbation of the PM`s function or composition has drastic effects on cell survival, thereby detrimentally affecting the overall development and viability of plants.