Theses and Internships at the Education and Learning Sciences Group
If you are interested in doing an internship or thesis at the Education and Learning Sciences Group, please contact Judith Gulikers. We regularly get requests from our network to evaluate and update educational material or to develop new innovative material, this in all kind of educational settings. It is also possible to discuss your own ideas for an internship or thesis with us.
Internship topics
Vacancies (Dutch)
- Stage- Team smaaklessen & EU-schoolfruit
- Ecoliteracy Lente 2025
- Stage Leerlijn duurzame ontwikkeling bij Food Valley Scholennetwerk
- Het Nieuwe Telen
- Verschillende mogelijkheden bij De Vereniging NLT (Natuur Leven en Techniek)
- Onderwijs op zorgboerderijen voor voorkomen van vroegtijdig schooluitval in PO
- Onderwijs op zorgboerderijen voor voorkomen van vroegtijdig schooluitval in VO
- Leeropbrengst van online vlogs bij kinderen van 8 tot en met 12 jaar
- Effectiviteit van het gebruik van symbolen en woorden voor het overbrengen van informatie over dieren aan kinderen van 6 tot en met 12 jaar
- Leerlingen over een duurzaam bestaan
- Ontwikkelen van leermiddelen voor leidinggevenden NME-centra
- Stage januari - april 2024 - Kookvaardigheden jeugd
- Stage – opzetten en evalueren van leermodule stikstof
- Stagemogelijkheid in Ouwehands Dierenpark Aquarium
Vacancies (English)
- Wolves and students as ecological catalysts for change
- Higher education as catalysts of sustainability transitions in the Netherlands
- Evaluation of a cognitive enhancement intervention study
- Internship/thesis opportunities in relation to Regenerative Higher Education
- Hiring a ‘Nutrition Sustainability R&D intern’!
- Ecoliteracy Spring 2025
Recently completed
- Developing the student MOOC: Becoming an Agent of Sustainable Change (student MES)
- Opportunity recognition in collaborative entrepreneurship (student MPS)
- Entrepreneurial Competence Development StartHub Wageningen (student MBE)
- What must an investment proposition regarding 'sustainable' real estate meet for ABN AMRO MeesPierson clients? (student MID)
- Optimisation of Decision Support System For Farmers (student MME)
- Internship at youth organization Cross Your Borders (student MME)
- Support the creation and implementation of several activities concerning inter- and transdisciplinary research and education within WUR
- Science Communication in the Field of Bioeconomy
International thesis & internship possibilities
Thesis topics
Vacancies (Dutch)
- Nederlands-Zweedse samenwerking op duurzaamheidsvraagstukken
- Ecoliteracy Lente 2025
- Leerlijnen voor vaardighedenontwikkeling
- Toekomstperspectief onderwijs op zorgboerderijen
- Behoud startende leraren
- Anders Organiseren in Primair Onderwijsteams
- Het Nieuwe Telen
- Verschillende mogelijkheden bij De Vereniging NLT (Natuur Leven en Techniek)
- Formatief toetsen in het hoger onderwijs
- Leeropbrengst van online vlogs bij kinderen van 8 tot en met 12 jaar
- Effectiviteit van het gebruik van symbolen en woorden voor het overbrengen van informatie over dieren aan kinderen van 6 tot en met 12 jaar
- Leerlingen over een duurzaam bestaan
- Hoe ontwikkel je een ondernemende en lerende organisatie?
Vacancies (English)
- Interaction Analysis of Stakeholders in the Azole Ecosystem using the Triple Helix Paradigm
- Learning Lines for Skills Development
- Panda Education as a tool for teaching children about the importance of biodiversity
- Zoo education in focus
- Pedagogical strategies for the complex and uncertain sustainability classroom
- The Redesign Lab: Collaborative Learning for Educational Redesigns
- Internship/thesis opportunities in relation to Regenerative Higher Education
- Facilitating Spatial Thinking through eXtended Realities
- Fostering social-ecological learning through board games
- Innovative educational approaches for empowering students to work on the SDG’s
- Ecoliteracy Spring 2025
Recently completed
- Characteristics of the entrepreneurial mind-set of students and experienced entrepreneurs explained from a learning perspective (student MME)
- Teacher mindset and skills in relation to programmatic assessment (student MAS)
- Problem based education in a Dutch university op applied sciences and its effect on basic psychological need facilitation (student MAS)
- Evaluation of serious board games (student MFT)
- Intercultural competence development in higher vocational education: the development and implementation of learning activities to support reflection (student MAS)
- Awareness of “Boundary Crossing” (student MES)
- Kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs in Ede (student MBI)
- The effect of animal aspects in a zoo education program on the attitude of children towards animals and protecting biodiversity (student MOA)
- De kloof tussen theorie en praktijk in het hbo: een ravijn of goed te overbruggen? (student MAS)
- Uncertainty as a catalyst for creative action (student MOA)
- Transdisciplinary abilities unfolded by early career researchers through their participation in INREF research projects (student MOA)
- The effects of inter- and transdisciplinary research and education, based on the experiences of PhD students and alumni'
Please feel invited to contact Judith Gulikers to discuss other internship or thesis options.
Instructions and contracts
Internship course guide
Contracts and forms
- Internship contract between internship, student, WUR (NL)
- Internship contract between internship student, WUR (ENG)
- Internship contract, NON EU-students, WUR (ENG)
- Internship Learning agreement between student and WUR
- Evaluation form for the host-internship supervisor
- Internship assessment form (including rubric)
- Progress evaluation form
Thesis course guide & manual
Before embarking on your thesis work, you are expected to familiarise yourself with the thesis manual to know what is expected of you in this thesis trajectory.
WUR MSc thesis course guide; for all the official thesis procedures
ELS thesis manual; for some extra guidelines and support
Please find below links to all the forms that you need during your thesis trajectory. You can also find more information about the forms in the thesis manual.
Thesis agreement form
Once it is clear what your topic will be, you are kindly requested to fill in the Thesis Agreement Form together with your supervisor and if possible, in consultation with your co-supervisor.
Once you have done this, please send a signed copy of your contract to your supervisor(s), the ELS secretariat (office.els@wur.nl) and your study advisor (if required to do so).
Data management plan
At the end of your thesis, you will be required to submit your data (raw data collected as well as analysed data) to your supervisor(s)/ELS secretariat along with the Data Management Plan. Please start reading this form already as you will be required to submit a draft version of the Data Management Plan together with your thesis proposal.
You should submit your data along with the final version of your Data Management Plan when you submit your thesis report.
Thesis assessment form
Submission of final documents
Once you have completed your thesis report and received your grade verbally from your supervisor(s) and examiner, you will be required to submit the following documents to your supervisor(s):
- Thesis agreement form (if you have not done so yet)
- PDF of your final thesis report
- Final version of the Data Management Plan along with your (collected and analysed) datasets
- ELS Thesis Students Experience Form
The above documents will have to be submitted to your supervisor(s) and (via your supervisor) to the ELS secretariat for your grade to be officially submitted to the student administration. Please note that if the last date for grades to be uploaded is 31 August, you should make sure to submit your documents at least one day before.