Thesis & internship
KTI offers ample opportunities for theses and internships. Below you can find a list of thesis titles, to give you an idea of the diversity of topics studied.
BSc topics
- Social injustices due to discriminating algorithms: a case study of the Dutch Childcare Benefits Scandal (2023)
- Revealing crop diversification in two areas of East Java – Physical geographical conditions as altitude, soil and weather as important factors affecting risk taking and different cropping patterns (2023)
- Coloniality in North/South research collaborations: how university research collaborations and their funding structures reinforce eurocentrism and coloniality (2023)
- The implications of Brazil-China cooperation for rpotection strategies for the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest and Indigenos People and Local Communities (2023)
- Social movements & social media the case study of Black Lives Matter (2022)
MSc topics
- Knowledge interaction in food production systems in Bono East and Upper West regions in Ghana (2023)
- Towards more sustainable food practices: a Social Practice Theory perspective on change to plant-based food practices among Dutch youth (2022)
- 'We want to write our own story'. A study on the perception of scholars and NGO practitioners regarding indigenous knowledge and development in Ghana
- 'That’s how we do it here in Jamaica'. An Ethnographic Exploration of Jamaican Masculinities, Sexual Behavior and Sexual and Reproductive Health-Seeking Behavior (2022)
- 'We want to write our own story'. A study on the perception of scholars and NGO practitioners regarding indigenous knowledge and development in Ghana (2020)
For more information on doing a thesis and/or internship at the KTI group, please take up contact. Send a message to education.cpt@wur.nl for general questions or contact one of our thesis/internship coordinators for your study program directly.
Self-enrol for our Brightspace page
If you are looking for a topic, please self-enroll on our Brighspace page. There you can find thesis and internship vacancies. Moreover, you can find all relevant information to plan, execute and complete your thesis and/or internship.
Thesis market
Twice a year, KTI organises a thesis market. On this market, you can check out our topics, meet our colleagues, and find out for yourself if you want to do your thesis at our chairgroup. Our thesis markets are organised in November and March. Please follow us on socials, where we will advert the thesis markets in advance.