We study how innovation is organised, how this is supported by different kinds of organisations and intermediaries, and how this is mediated by innovation policies. We pay special attention to the dynamics involved in the production, integration, and use of scientific and other knowledge in such processes.
KTI enhances reflexivity in science, makes innovation more responsible and sustainable, and supports the 're-configuration' of societal interactions. Our ethos of ‘studying and doing’ brings together societal impact and critical theoretical reflection across three central intersecting research lines: (1) making knowledge work; (2) configuring technology and society; and (3) co-designing responsible and sustainable innovations. For more detail, see our research programme.
In our research, the geographical dimensions of international relationships, and local to global interdependencies are addressed. A strategic focus of KTI lies in practical and theoretical contributions to local and global questions of sustainable development, and to advance a comparative perspective on the role of science and technology for development.
Group members share the view that understanding and influencing socio-technical transformations requires integrative and process-oriented research and intervention, also raising the need for new methodologies and methods. We explore the potential of practice and process-oriented methodological approaches (e.g. technography, innovation histories, process tracing) to enhance social scientific inquiry on change processes. We combine this with the development and application of methods such as companion modelling, visual problem appraisal and reflexive monitoring that support reflection and learning in multi-stakeholder settings.