New Protein Sources
From fungi to seaweed: new protein-rich ingredients based on sustainable protein sources are continuously emerging. The challenge for new sources is to grow supply and demand in parallel. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research offers companies the market insights they need to build solid business cases and to upscale their supply as part of a sustainable chain.
Protein supply and demand
How is market demand for new proteins developing? Where is the highest and fastest-growing market for which source? What production capacity is feasible on short and medium term? And what technology investment is needed to grow to large scale? Companies that want to introduce sustainable proteins to the market Sustainable proteins: devface challenging barriers to entry. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research provides such businesses with a combination of market and technology support to develop well-considered growth strategies. Companies can thus create new value chains, strengthening their competitive position.
Protein-biomass streams
At Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, we have been closely monitoring developments in the sustainable-protein market for over 20 years. Our experts work with in-house developed, cutting-edge mathematical models. This enables the visualization of how much of each protein type is produced, imported, or exported from different countries and regions. We follow these protein biomass flows over time, and predict how protein supply and demand will develop over the coming years; data which we translate into concrete recommendations for different growth strategies. Together with clients, we determine the unique selling points - for example, nutritional value, functionality, sustainability - and the market potential of the proteins supplied.
Want to know more?
Wishing to make inroads into the sustainable proteins market? Wageningen Food & Biobased Research helps you build solid business cases. Contact us for a commitment-free conversation.