Biointeractions & Plant Health
The experts of Biointeractions & Plant Health study harmful and beneficial viruses, bacteria, fungi and insects and analyze their effect on the health of plants and soils. We detect pests and diseases, we study the health of bees and develop building blocks for Integrated Pest Management.
Honeybees are important pollinators of food crops and wild plants. Bees@WUR investigates which factors are important for the health of honeybees.
Diagnostics and detection plant pathogens
Reliable diagnostics for timely detection of plant pests and diseases provide the basis for cultivation of healthy crops. We develop, produce and implement diagnostic assays and products for detection, monitoring and prevention of plant diseases.
Sustainable solutions for diseases and pests in crops
The scientists of Wageningen University & Research work on various research projects to find sustainable solutions to complex agricultural and horticultural problems caused by diseases and pests. Biological control and the use of resilient systems are examples of these solutions.
Food safety and phytosanitary research
Hazard management of regulated (micro)organisms and toxins they produce.