Research areas of Biometris
The general expertise of Biometris includes mathematics and statistics applied to life sciences. Our focus is on the research themes below.
Statistical Genetics and advanced analytical methods
Statistical genetics is a quickly developing field involving massive amounts of data (molecular markers, gene expression, proteomics, metabolomics, DNA and RNA sequences, high-throughput phenotyping, etc) that calls for advanced analytical methods. This is one of the main research topics in our group, aiming to develop methodology for sound inference for genetic, genomic and phenotypic data.
Applied Mathematics for the Life Sciences
Biometris focuses on quantitative descriptions for a range of important life sciences applications aimed at improving the quality of life, including the modelling of cellular processes, crop growth, agents, populations, patterns, ecosystems, social-ecological and socio-technical systems, and various engineered and controlled environments, using different model approaches (involving mathematics, software, and statistics). Below we provide a brief overview of the main topics of our current focus.
Risk assessments in Food Safety and Health
Food safety is an important issue and quantitative risk assessment is essential for taking well informed decisions. The food industry is constantly introducing new foods for which health benefits are claimed. On the other hand, consumer concerns about food risks are highlighted by recent programmes of measures of consumer organisations.
Pattern Recognition, Data-Mining and Machine Learning
Due to the increasing possibilities of information and computer technology, there is a strong tendency to collect and integrate more and more data from heterogeneous sources. To discern patterns in these complex data sources, special techniques have been developed, which are often referred to as machine learning, data-mining or pattern recognition.
Omics sciences and Big Data analysis
Addressing complex questions in the life sciences requires a continuous interplay between different disciplines: biology, chemistry, and statistics, to name but a few. The tight collaboration between the business units Bioscience and Biometris provides ample coverage of these fields, and opens up exciting possibilities for joint research projects in the fields of the Omics sciences (metabolomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, genomics) as well as between Omics and other more conventional approaches such as whole plant phenotyping and sensory analysis.
Research Methodology for Interdisciplinary Research
Research methodologists of Wageningen University & Research study and develop study designs, research methods and measurement instruments particularly for human-related research projects, whether they involve a quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods approach. We are especially interested in methodology for interdisciplinary research, that is the methodology of research involving sciences that may have different scientific cultures such as the beta sciences and the social sciences.