Contact with Wageningen Plant Research
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Business, governement or NGOs
Ask your question using the form below and we will make sure you get in touch with the right expert.
You can also contact us directly by calling +31 (0)317 486 001 / +31 (0)317 418 094 or contact our experts through the website.
General public and students
For press-related matters, please contact:
L (Laurens) Tijink | Press Officer Plant Research |
Wageningen, Main location
Radix, building 107
Droevendaalsesteeg 1 6708 PB Wageningen The Netherlands
P.O. Box 16 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands
+31 (0)317 486 001 / +31 (0)317 418 094
Bleiswijk (Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower bulbs)
Bleiswijk houses researchers who conduct research on Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs.
Visiting address:
Violierenweg 1
2665 MV Bleiswijk
T 31 (0)317 – 485 606
Postal address:
Postbus 20
2665 ZG Bleiswijk, The Netherlands
Lelystad (Field crops)
Lelystad houses researchers who conduct research on field crops.
Visiting address:
Edelhertweg 1
8219 PH Lelystad
T +31 320 291 111
Postal address:
Postbus 430
8200 AK Lelystad
Marwijksoord (Test location Field crops)
Marwijksoord houses researchers who conduct research into Field Crops.
Visiting address:
Marwijksoord 4
Building Kooijenburg
9448 XB Marwijksoord
T +31 592 241 220
Nagele (Test location Field crops)
Nagele houses researchers who conduct research into Field Crops Research.
Visiting address:
Oud Emmeloorderweg 6
8308 PK Nagele
T +31 320 291 200
Postal address:
Postbus 430
8200 AK Lelystad
Randwijk (Fruit)
Randwijk houses researchers who conduct research into fruit.
Visiting address:
Lingewal 1
6668 LA Randwijk
T +31 488 473 702
Valthermond (Test location Field crops)
Valtermond houses researchers who conduct research into Field Crops.
Visiting address:
Noorderdiep 211
Building 't Kompas
7876 CL Valthermond
T +31 599 662 577
Vredepeel (Test location Field crops)
Vredepeel houses researchers who conduct research into Field Crops.
Visiting address:
Vredeweg 1C
5816 AJ Vredepeel
T +31 478 538 240
Westmaas (Test location Field crops)
Westmaas houses researchers who conduct research into Field Crops.
Visiting address:
Groeneweg 3
3273 LP Westmaas
T +31 186 579 930