
Do you have questions, suggestions, or ideas for collaboration? Whether you’re looking for expert advice, seeking partnerships, or need support in navigating the complexities of food systems, our team is here to help.

Work with us

At Wageningen Social & Economic Research, we collaborate with partners worldwide, including governments, NGOs, research institutes, agri food businesses, and financial institutions. If your organisation is committed – or aspires to commit – to transforming food systems and advancing sustainability and equity, we would love to work with you.

Reach out to us

Call 0317 48 48 88 or send your question to


Media / Press

Visiting addresses

Droevendaalsesteeg 4
6708 PB Wageningen

WTC Den Haag
Prinses Beatrixlaan 582 - 528
2595 BM Den Haag

Akkermaalsbos 12
Building 116 
6708 WB Wageningen

Edelhertweg 1
8219 PH Lelystad

(De kantoren van Wageningen Social & Economic Research bevinden zich in het Applied Plant Research gebouw)
PO Box 430
8200 AK  Lelystad

Postal address

Altas (building 104)
Postbus 88
6700 AB Wageningen