Biodiversity Challenge - Wageningen University & Research

Will you join us outdoors to see, feel and taste nature on the Wageningen Campus? Once again this year, we will venture outside to admire the extraordinary biodiversity around us. Register for one of our guided excursions, or grab your phone and go discover species with colleagues, friends or just by yourself.

As in 2023, Wageningen University & Research will once again compete against 18 other life sciences universities from the European ICA network. Who will find the most, most beautiful and most unusual wild species on campus?

Programme of activities

Activity Date Time Location Registration
Opening of the 2024 ICA Biodiversity Challenge Thursday 2 May 11.00-12.00 Online
Kick-off of Bioblitz Thursday 2 May 12.00-13.00 De Zaaier, Atlas Open to all
Expedition to the microcosmos Tuesday 7 May 12.00-13.15 Start at Axis Registration closed
Birding by sight and sound: guided bird tour of the WUR campus Monday 13 May 7.00-9.00 De Zaaier, Atlas Registration closed
Hotel CaliWormia excursion Wednesday 15 May 12.00-13.15 Start at Radix Registration closed
Amphibians excursion (KNNV, 2x) Saturday 18 May 9.30-10.30 and 10.30-11.30 The Field Registration closed
Butterflies excursion (KNNV) Saturday 18 May 14.00-16.00 Bus stop Campus/Forum Registration closed
Ecological walk Tuesday 21 May 12.00-13.15 De Zaaier, Atlas Registration closed
WUR works for Wageningen! Wednesday 22 May 13:30-16:00 Kadolokaal (Hoogstraat 31, Wageningen) Registration closed
Bats excursion (KNNV) Friday 24 May 21.30 Forum, South entrance Registration closed
Biodiversity Challenge event in Wageningen Saturday 25 May 9.30-15.00 Wageningen: Grote Kerk, Markt 1 Registration closed
Food forest Droevendaal Tuesday 28 May 12.00-13.15 Start at Unifarm Open to all
WBI get-together: Join the Bioblitz Thursday 30 May 16.00-17.00 Start at Impulse Open to all
Moth count (KNNV) Monday 3 June 22.30 The Field, Akkermaalsebos 2 Register here
Wasp excursion Thursday 6 June 12.00-13.15 De Zaaier, Atlas Register here
Dragonflies excursion/count (KNNV) Saturday 8 June 13.30-15.30 Bus stop Campus/Forum Not required
Dragonflies excursion (in Dutch) Wednesday 12 June 12.00-13.15 De Zaaier, Atlas Registration closed
Creative Community Garden Wageningen: Lunch walk Thursday 13 June 12.00-13.15 Start at Radix Registration closed
Pollinators excursion Tuesday 18 June 12.00-13.15 De Zaaier, Atlas Registration closed
Campus Expedition: Ecological Campus Tour Thursday 20 June 12.00-13.15 De Zaaier, Atlas Registration closed
Ethnobotanical excursion Tuesday 25 June 12.00-13.15 De Zaaier, Atlas Registration closed
Wild Potato Species Tour Wednesday 26 June 14.00-15.00 Nergena (Building 112, Bornsesteeg 10) Registration closed
Conversation session on ecological crises, indigenous knowledge and your personal story Thursday 27 June 19.30-22.00 Innovation, Impulse Registration closed
Closing of the 2024 ICA Biodiversity Challenge Friday 28 June 15.00-16.30 Impulse Open to all

Bioblitz: record species with an app

How exactly does the Bioblitz work?

Recording species is very easy. To do so, you can download one of three apps from the App Store or Play Store: ObsIdentify (for Android and iOS), ObsMapp (Android only) and iObs (iOS only). With those apps, you take a picture of what you see, and then read on your screen which species it probably is. Then you submit your sighting at the touch of a button. You can also enter sightings directly on

Please note that we only count wild species! Planted flowerbeds or animals kept by humans will be rejected.

How do I add my entry to the Biodiversity Challenge?

Your entry will automatically be added to the Biodiversity Challenge when submitted between 2 May and 28 June at a location belonging to Wageningen University & Research. This applies both to the Wageningen Campus and to WUR locations outside Wageningen.

What happens to the collected data?

The data collected from the Biodiversity Challenge will be used to monitor the score, and see how great our biodiversity is compared to other universities in Europe. Afterwards, students will work with the data to map the distinctive observations, and compare them with data from previous years.