
Determinator: Ragwort module

Ragwort and related plants are known for causing serious illness problems in farmed animals. Wageningen Food Safety Research and Wageningen Environmental Research have developed a computer programme that supports the user to discriminate between ragwort species and a range of other yellow-flowering plants.

Harvesting strategy

The purpose of the system is to provide a tool for deciding upon optimal management strategies of road side verges and meadow areas. With this program, Wageningen Food Safety Research will contribute to the safety of roughage for farmed animals. The tool can support managers of road sides and meadows, bee-keepers for choosing optimal harvesting areas, in nature management, and in education. A demonstration version for Ragwort identification in English is available.

Answering questions

A yellow-flowering plant can be identified by answering a series of questions. Furthermore, the system allows to compare different plant species among each other and allows browsing in the database with descriptions and images.


The program Determinator need to be downloaded and installed as first step before installing the module Ragwort. A manual for installation is available.