Extended opening hours for exams
Exams are coming up! We’re happy to return to our usual extended hours for self-study and exam weeks. Don’t forget to book your study spot in TimeEdit to secure your place. Good luck with your exams!
Dates | Forum Library |
Sat 7 Dec - Sun 8 Dec | 9 am - 7 pm |
Mon 9 Dec - Thurs 12 Dec | 8 am - 11 pm |
Fri 13 Dec | 8 am - 10 pm |
Sat 14 Dec - Sun 15 Dec | 9 am - 7 pm |
Mon 16 Dec - Thurs 19 Dec | 8 am - 11 pm |
Fri 20 Dec | 8 am - 10 pm |
Study places
- Walk-in study places are available on the 2nd floor
- You need to book the study places on the 3rd & 4th floor in TimeEdit
- Please cancel your reservation if you're not going to use the study place and only book the timeslot you'll actually need.
Additional study places in Forum
In the Forum, additional study spaces have been reserved during weeks 49, 50, and 51 (Monday 2 December to Friday 20 December) to provide students with more quiet places to study. The reserved spaces and times are as follows:
Rooms B0106 and B0107
- Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 10:30 pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Rooms B0602+B0606 and B0612+B0616
- Monday to Friday: 5:20 pm to 10:30 pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Repair works
In the aftermath of the fire on October 24 in Forum, some repair work is still ongoing. Certain areas of the library are not yet accessible and have been clearly marked for your safety. While we are working hard to minimize any inconvenience, there may still be some disruptions. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete these repairs.
Study together: join the exam study weeks
Are you preparing for exams, and could you use some extra help?
Why don't you join the Exam Study Weeks, organised by Student Training and Support? You'll start each day together and you can get individual coaching on your study skills. More information on Exam study weeks.